New Old Stock Fuel Pump Pad Cover, Continental C85, C90, O200, PN 21059

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Current Price: 24.80 USD

Note, we combine all orders.

I am offering a New Old Stock Continental Fuel Pump Pad Cover Plate for the Continental C85, 90 and the O200.  It has a Continental Part Number of 21059. I found a bucket of these at the El Reno auction a few years ago and all I've done is clean them up.  They are unused and marked as new other as I have no paperwork.  They are in great shape!  As with everything I offer, this assembly may be returned for a full refund.

Certification Status, production status and maintenance status on this part is unknown.  Buyer takes the responsibility of determining suitability and legality of parts installation.

New Old Stock Fuel Pump Pad Cover, Continental C85, C90, O200, PN 21059 New Old Stock Fuel Pump Pad Cover, Continental C85, C90, O200, PN 21059

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