New Old Stock Fuel Pump Pad Cover, Continental C85, C90, O200, PN 21059Click here to purchase or contact the seller of this item on eBay |
Current Price: 24.80 USD |
Note, we combine all orders. I am offering a New Old Stock Continental Fuel Pump Pad Cover Plate for the Continental C85, 90 and the O200. It has a Continental Part Number of 21059. I found a bucket of these at the El Reno auction a few years ago and all I've done is clean them up. They are unused and marked as new other as I have no paperwork. They are in great shape! As with everything I offer, this assembly may be returned for a full refund. Certification Status, production status and maintenance status on this part is unknown. Buyer takes the responsibility of determining suitability and legality of parts installation. |
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