Lycoming IO-540 Crankcase w/ 8130 (0008)

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Current Price: 6,188.40 USD

Lycoming IO-540 Crankcase w/ 8130 (0008).

Includes 8130.

Narrow deck case. Overhauled by Divco 3/2023.

Casting # 73958

Removed from Piper Aztec model IO-540-C4B5

Narrow deck case.

Lycoming IO-540 Crankcase w/ 8130 (0008) Lycoming IO-540 Crankcase w/ 8130 (0008) Lycoming IO-540 Crankcase w/ 8130 (0008)
Lycoming IO-540 Crankcase w/ 8130 (0008) Lycoming IO-540 Crankcase w/ 8130 (0008) Lycoming IO-540 Crankcase w/ 8130 (0008)

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