Cessna 170 / 172 Tailpipe Clamp with Pin | 0550176-50 (16)Click here to purchase or contact the seller of this item on eBay |
Current Price: 79.00 USD |
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Low Price Guarantee: Find the exact same make/model/part number/condition AIRFRAME PART for a lowered advertised price and we will match it.
*We are happy to ship our parts international. Please contact us for a shipping quote to your destination. All import duties, taxes and fees are not included and are theresponsibility of the buyer.
"AS REMOVED" parts are allotted a 30 day SATISFACTION GUARANTEED return period (return shipping prepaid) of invoice date. Component must be in original (untampered/undamaged) conditon.
CORES are sold as-is with no option to return without official tear down report from an FAA/EASA certified MRO facility deeming the core "Beyond Economical Repair".
AVIONIC/RADIO components are allotted a 30 day return period (return shipping prepaid) if supplemented with an official Teardown Report report deeming the component unfit for return to service from a FAA /EASA Certified Avionic Repair Station. Refund amount will be less original outbound shipping cost, if applicable.
NOTICE: Avionics sold with FAA 8130-3 Airworthiness Release Certificate are "USED" parts; not to be confused with "NEW" parts or "OVERHAULED" parts. "USED" parts will most likely show signs of use/wear and therefore cannot be returned for cosmetic reasons.
Click here to purchase or contact the seller of this item on eBay