Cessna-401 Fuel Auto Valve P/N: 375C-61WC

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Current Price: 99.99 USD

Used Cessna-401 Fuel Auto Valve
P/N: 375C-61WC

Note: It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure airworthiness and compatibility when installing these parts on an aircraft.

Shipping:  Buyer is responsible for shipping expenses.

This item was removed as is from aircraft

Proceeds from this sale go to a 501c3 Aviation Non-Profit

Kruse Aviation Hangar Box 5

Cessna-401 Fuel Auto Valve P/N: 375C-61WC Cessna-401 Fuel Auto Valve P/N: 375C-61WC Cessna-401 Fuel Auto Valve P/N: 375C-61WC
Cessna-401 Fuel Auto Valve P/N: 375C-61WC

Click here to purchase or contact the seller of this item on eBay