Cessna 120/140 Flap Stub Rib, P/N 0422140-1, Used

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Current Price: 15.00 USD

The items are in varying conditions, each with rivet holes located differently. Initially, the advertisement featured a picture of just one item; however, after finding three additional ones, the quantity available was updated without changing the existing pictures. Should you require images of the additional items, please inform us.

Calaveras Airplane Company offers a selection of old stock airplane parts from its surplus inventory.

It is the buyer's duty to evaluate the parts for their suitability and airworthiness during the inspection.

Feel free to explore our additional listings for more aircraft parts.

Cessna 120/140 Flap Stub Rib, P/N 0422140-1, Used Cessna 120/140 Flap Stub Rib, P/N 0422140-1, Used Cessna 120/140 Flap Stub Rib, P/N 0422140-1, Used
Cessna 120/140 Flap Stub Rib, P/N 0422140-1, Used Cessna 120/140 Flap Stub Rib, P/N 0422140-1, Used Cessna 120/140 Flap Stub Rib, P/N 0422140-1, Used

Click here to purchase or contact the seller of this item on eBay