Lycoming O320, O360, O540 Crankshaft Gear, PN SL13S19646

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Current Price: 136.00 USD

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Please note:  Unless stated, we do not have paperwork.  This is "AS IS."

I am offering a Crankshaft Gear, part number SL13S19646.

This fits the following applications, the AIO-320-B1B, -C1B HIO-360-A1A, -B1A HO-360-B1A, -B1B IO-320-B1A, -B1C, -C1A, -D1A, -D1B, -E1A, -E1B, -E2A, -E2B IO-360 -A1A, -B1A, -B1B IO-540-T4A5D, -T4B5D, -T4C5D IO-720 -A1A, -A1B, -B1B, -D1B, -D1C LIO-320 -B1A, -C1A O-235 -C1, -C1B, -C1C, -C2A, -C2C, -F2A, -F2B, -H2C, -J2A, -K2A, -K2B, -K2C, -L2A, -L2C, -M1, -N2A, -N2C, -P2A O-290 -D, -D2, -D2B, -D2C O-320 -A2A, -A2B, -A2C, -A2D, -A3A, -A3B, -A3C, -B2A, -B2B, -B2C, -B3A, -B3B, -B3C, -D1A, -D1D, -D1F, -D2A, -D2B, -D2C, -D2G, -D2J, -D3G, -E1A, -E1F, -E2A, -E2B, -E2C, -E2D, -E2F, -E2G, -E2H, -E3D, -E3H, -H2AD O-340 -A1A, -A2A, -B1A O-360-A1A, -A1C, -A1D, -A1F6, -A1G6, -A2A, -A2D, -A2E, -A2F, -A2G, -A3A, -A4A, -A4G, -A4J, -A4K, -A4M, -A4N, -B2A, -C1A, -C1C, -C1E, -C1F, -C2A, -C2C, -C2D, -C2E, -D2A, -D2B, -F1A6 TIO-540-AA1AD.  



Here at CMRuggles, our goal is to sell quality aircraft parts. We have not tested this part in flight and therefore cannot guarantee the airworthiness of this particular part or any other part or item that we have listed and / or sold to you, the purchaser. This part is not warranted, expressed or implied. As always, we do accept returns for any reason. However, by purchasing this part, you, the purchaser, assumes full responsibility for its' airworthiness. We recommended that you, as the purchaser, employ or utilize a certified airframe and power plant mechanic to inspect this part for airworthiness before installation and after, and also, you, as the purchaser, perform, or supervise its' installation in any aircraft in accordance with FAA regulations.

Lycoming O320, O360, O540 Crankshaft Gear, PN SL13S19646 Lycoming O320, O360, O540 Crankshaft Gear, PN SL13S19646 Lycoming O320, O360, O540 Crankshaft Gear, PN SL13S19646
Lycoming O320, O360, O540 Crankshaft Gear, PN SL13S19646

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