Piper Comanche 250

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Current Price: 132,900.00 USD

Piper Comanche 250, approx 3000TT, approx 1100 SMOH, Dual Garmin G5’s, Garmin GPS400W, Garmin GTX345 transponder, Garmin GFC500 autopilot, Flightstream 210, King KX155, King KX175B, engine monitor, Digital clock/timer, dual USB charging ports, electric trim, TANIS engine heater, switched over from generator to alternator, door steward, new bungees 01/24, new brakes 01/24, new battery 01/25, fresh annual 02/25, 0 time prop as per AD 02/25, IFR certified 02/25, all AD’s complied with, all logs since new.I would fly this amazing airplane anywhere.You won’t regret buying this beautiful aircraft!  Only reason for selling - banker says 2 airplanes is one too many!
Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250
Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250
Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250
Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250
Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250
Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250
Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250
Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250 Piper Comanche 250

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