Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.

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Current Price: 80.00 USD

This is a serviceable cylinder. The bore was coated in grease when it was removed so there is minimal corrosion.

Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.
Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.
Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.
Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.
Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.  Continental IO-520 Engine Cylinder.

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