Hartzell HC-B5MP-3 5-Blade Propeller | Motorized Display | Man Cave

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Current Price: 5,500.00 USD

Hartzell HC-B5MP-3 5-Blade Motorized Propeller Display | Man Cave, Lobby, Parties, Events.  The propeller was removed from an AT-802A Air Tractor.  This propeller model is also found on the Shorts SD-360.  All original spinner, blades, clamps and dome.  Blades are powder coated.  Runs at 2-1/2 RPM, quiet as a mouse.  Cowling and blade tips ready for decals, flags, trim work, company logo, etc.  The drive train including the motor are new.  The display is 9 feet tall.  Videos are available upon request. Will deliver within 500 miles of Oklahoma City at reduced rate.
Hartzell HC-B5MP-3 5-Blade Propeller | Motorized Display | Man Cave Hartzell HC-B5MP-3 5-Blade Propeller | Motorized Display | Man Cave Hartzell HC-B5MP-3 5-Blade Propeller | Motorized Display | Man Cave
Hartzell HC-B5MP-3 5-Blade Propeller | Motorized Display | Man Cave

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