XH-3000 WICO MAGNETO s/n 284097 (Aviation / Aircraft)

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Current Price: 245.00 USD

XH-184 WICO MAGNETO s/n 276007 

Looks New or New since Overhaul.  
4 Cylinder 

No Core charge

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  Owner & Installing Agency is responsible to determine the part is correct for the particular application and airworthiness for items used on Certificated Aircraft and/ or Engines.


XH-3000 WICO MAGNETO s/n 284097  (Aviation / Aircraft) XH-3000 WICO MAGNETO s/n 284097  (Aviation / Aircraft) XH-3000 WICO MAGNETO s/n 284097  (Aviation / Aircraft)
XH-3000 WICO MAGNETO s/n 284097  (Aviation / Aircraft) XH-3000 WICO MAGNETO s/n 284097  (Aviation / Aircraft)

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